September was the storm after what is called the "calm" of the summer. People have drifted off on holidays, and the industry is quite frankly put on hold. Not much is released, people shut off from social media, luckily. We took a break too, trying to think back on what has been accomplished since April. We also thought of things to change, how to bring you more information.
That's why we took the time to set up this website, for a more fluid read. Each month, you can find all the releases we covered in this article!
'DOAWNLOD NOW 😉' compilation by Jerry Horny
Remember 'CAPITAL RISQUE VOL.1', the first compilation released by the JERRY HORNY label? In 2020, Maté and Von Riu had already brought together some fine minds such as Amor Satyr and DJ Mell G. Three years later, the duo have held their ground and become one of the hottest labels in France with their unleashed energy.
This time around, they hit hard with 'DOAWNLOD NOW 😉': 25 tracks make us sweat relentlessly. Olympe4000, Aasi, Pura Pura, Lia Catreux, Miss Jay, Seul Ensemble are all on the bill, delivering tangy prods that twirl around breakbeat, bass music, jungle and techno. Their personal touch? Their selection is always upbeat and fun. The ideal tracklist to get you ready for the weekend, starting Thursday evening.
It may or may not be a little secret, but the compilation is available at a "name your price" rate. So if you'd be so kind as to drop a few pennies (if you can, of course; if you can't, just stream it, it's already great) for the mass of artists who've done their utmost to get us dancing at high intensity!
'echoes of zygomerphy' compilation by Caninal Records
We're a few months late, but better late than never: Joanna OJ launches her label Caninal. To announce the news, she concentrates on the fluid dub sounds that come to life in her monthly show on Retreat Radio, and the live appearances of recent months. The frequencies are varied. Typically, "Intergalactic" by AYLN is followed by an experimental, distorted ballad by Sainte Marina.
It's a gentle journey, and one into which we dive with joy. This enveloping, organic feeling is also revealed in the project's DA: rocky materials evoke the earth, nomadic journeys, while turquoise green is a metaphor for any watery source. Earth and sea are opposite elements, but coincide here in the slicks they propel to make us lighter.
'This Is How We Break Your Toxic Positivity' compilation by Attraction corp
French label Attraction 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒑 is building a reputation in the bass scene by bringing together artists with a passion for breakbeat. With their "This Is How We Break..." compilation series, they explore a subject as a musical thread. For their second release in this series, "This Is How We Break Your Toxic Positivity", the aim is to dismantle the societal need to prioritize happiness.
According to them, by trying too hard to be positive, we lose sight of the virtues of living in the dark too: emancipation and self-love are achieved through the complex hurdles life throws in our path.
Productions by SYQLONE, Zulu, Saku Sahara & Shute, Jim Casanova and a dozen other artists agree that it's perfectly acceptable not to always be okay. The shift from menacing rhythms to aïgus chords symbolizes the fluctuation of emotions throughout this compilation, showing that an overly consistent society doesn't allow for living on the margins, and therefore produces dissatisfaction for some.
'Neo' by 7038634357
Waves are transformed into shades of synthesizer in the introductory track "Winded" from 'Neo Seven'. The album by 7038634357, released in August, takes us by surprise where we least expect it: again in "Winded", the noise, like a clash of electric waves, hits us right in the comfort zone. This is the secret recipe of the New York-based artist, who lets the atmosphere seal in for several minutes before adding a nuance and waking us from our sleep. In "Everytime", their voice appears as a whisper: the words are never very clear, but what shines through is the artist's confidence in their emotions. Despite the saturated lyrics, the whole thing unfolds like a heartfelt declaration, following a confident rhythm.
This metaphor of the page being written is echoed in "Acolyte" when fragments of tearing paper are heard, then diverted into digital signals similar to telephone numbers. The letter is written, now it's time to declare it.
'posted in the back of the club, pt.2' by 444.CEO
A gentle intro that doesn't really close, opting instead for a fade-out that lets us believe in the longing of others. It's the opening track "Do U Still Think Abt Me..." on which vocalizations gradually appear, full of questionings. Subtlety produced by for the fifteenth release on Miley Serious' label, 99CTS RCRDS.
On 'Posted in the back of the club, pt.2', the Philadelphia-based artist deploys his range of influences, from rap to pop, in the space of nine tracks. The eponymous track samples a looped Justin Bieber, whose confusion evaporates over high-pitched synth strings. Without transition, we're straight into the world of jazzy footwork with 'Konvicted', where scratching and guns echo over a resonant alarm. A rich and varied release that once again proves Miley Serious' ability to unearth talent that does everything its own way, far from the rest of the trends.
'Move San, Let Gate' by Tweaks
New York, London, LA, Miami, four strongholds that have seen Tweaks grow and spread their wings. Wings that seem to have wanted to land, from 2020 onwards, to regenerate. As Tweaks announces, the project is not an album, but a thesis, inspired by their story and that of those loved ones who have suffered. They explore grief, the violence that tears love apart, and the need to love oneself, above all.
These sixteen tracks reveal a growing confidence, a desire to show things as they are. To get better, you have to go through pain and face up to it. They express a compromised passage through life as a result of violence inflicted by others, unfair love affairs, the State or their own tribulations. After assessing the situation, appears a new breath of life. Shame is no longer suffered in solitude, but exposed to the ears of all. Shame can eat away at us, destroying us slowly. To live serenely, we need to turn it into a collective shame, to avenge the past.
'Resonance 01 : Espiazione' by POL100 & Cecco Meraviglia
Club Late Music has been revamping the codes of digital collaboration since 2016. Little by little, they've forged a reputation for themselves by building a Discord channel through Global URL Nation (@globalurlnation), combining very distinct universes in compilations, and today offering a unique and fun creative format. Resonance! With this series, they invite two creators to translate their mutual ideas into sound and image.
POL100 and Cecco Meraviglia open the ball. Their five-track visual EP deals with the purification of the soul and the divide between body and mind. Ambient textures and nods to noise are formalized through distorted 3D that appears like a mirage, ready to haunt our thoughts. Like dreams that obsess us, but never materialize. A happiness that quickly becomes terrifying as it traps us in an unattainable ideal that suffocates us, like Dante's Inferno, which inspired the two Italian artists.
'Transform Part 1, What Remains Of Us' by December
It's June, a sunny month during which December decides to unveil his LP 'Transform Pt.1, What Remains Of Us'. An album that stands in stark contrast to the notes of summer, urging us to meditate and yearn. We retreat into our thoughts to explore, as the title suggests, memories.
Breaks, IBM, post-punk and electro contort themselves to create atmospheres that alert and haunt. In "Third Class Antibodies", a music-box-like melody rises in contrast to the post-techno synths and percussion. Softness mingles with the darkness of a decaying world.
"Metal Legs, Plastic Legs" evokes the emancipation of a being from naivety: we imagine the machine rebelling as it becomes aware of the abuse it has experienced when it repeatedly cries out "You can't fool me now". December plunges into one of the recurring themes of his work: dystopia and sci-fi.
The album was released on Trésor Records, sealing the artist's long-standing relationship with the label and club, to which he is regularly invited to play.